September 6, 2010 – Sherman Peak
The second annual Excellent Adventure took place at Sherman Peak, a 9,909′ summit northeast of Kernville. At 2-1/2 miles, the trail is not very long and ascends most gradually, except for the last 1/2 mile or so which switchbacks up the peak’s east face. The hike was great – we managed to lose the trail about halfway in through a burned area that had been overgrown with brush, but we worked our way around the obstacles and easily found the trail on the other side. The switchbacks were tough given the altitude and the heat – Megan carried newborn Chloe and Chelsea carried newborn Jude the whole way, and both new moms were quite happy to reach the top and rest. We stayed on the summit for a couple of hours – it was such a glorious day to take in the views, not a cloud in the sky. The Sierra crest was a little hazy but the major peaks were easily visble and seemed so close we could touch them. We eventually returned back down the trail to the parking area at Sherman Pass, which is where the real “adventure” began. Shortly after leaving the pass, our van’s transmission went completely out, and we ended up coasting the entire distance from about 8,000′ to 3,500′ of elevation until we found a safe place to stop. While some of the group went off to McNally’s for burgers and beer, Chris waited two hours for a tow truck to come up from Lake Isabella, and we had to ask Jane’s folks to come up with their car so everyone could get home. We held last rites for the van the next day, but it was a great trip nonetheless.